Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Beauty of the Mix

Eclecticism is a word that is used a lot in the interior design world. You'll see references to eclectic style everywhere - in magazines, television and by design professionals. The key is to mix it up, styles, periods, elements, whatever beauty captures the beholder. Being eclectic means not sticking to one design style or period but  being creative and gutsy about putting things together that you like. Basically making use of the best of all possible designs.

The trend for 2011 saw a surge in this look and I believe it will stick around for a while.  So how do we designers go about creating a room that has a plethora of styles all in one space? First we select from various sources, choose from several different cultures, combine decorative patterns and colors, and have the confidence that the final product will be beautiful!  The eclectic style is a popular way to decorate, because almost anything can be incorporated into the decorating scheme however, there is a fine line when it comes to implementing the “look”. Although there is almost no worry that a new picture or piece of furniture will not "go" with this design concept, the real challenge is making it all work together. 

 Since eclectic designs use a number of textures, colors, wood tones and decorative objects, this can pose a challenge to the inexperienced eye. A well rounded designer versed in multiple styles can bring your unique style to fruition with ease and success. But there are some who choose to tackle this design challenge themselves so here are some helpful hits, in no particular order, to get you started!

1) Start by choosing a wall color that pulls it all together.
2) Keep some of those “Grandma” items, they may create a unique appeal
3) Try to avoid shopping at “big” stores, stick to the unique boutique shops
4) Don’t be afraid to mix patterns
5) Don’t be afraid to mix colors
6) Experiment with different floor plan layouts.
7) Choose the “driving force” of your design, this can be a particular circa of furniture to an incredible piece of art.
8) Unique lighting is a must
9) Don’t ask your friends opinion
10) Be proud of your creation!

Start your project with complete confidence that this style “is” the trend and that anything goes,  but if you feel a pinch of insecurity, call on a professional for those final touches. It may make that final difference you are looking  for.